"Shine On Girl..."

As I cried some more the star got brighter. I was transfixed on this star...so bright and beautiful; all on it's own in a sky full of stars. Yet, again it began to fade. Sometimes the star would be gone for a long time and sometimes not so long.
I think life works in a similar way. Sometimes we are with things for a long time and sometimes a short time. And we learn to love every minute we have; whether it's meant to last forever or just be cherished for that small moment.
I wish that Lynne's life on earth wasn't so short. It isn't fair that a disease of such magnitude and speed be given to such a loving, fun, and thoughtful woman. Yet, I think of her tonight as a bright, beautiful star watching over us saying it's alright, I'm fine. So, shine on girl and let us know where you are.... you will always have a special place in our hearts.