Lynne Smith Fund

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

"A Clean Bill of Health is Well Worth the Peace of Mind."

I recently chose to get a colonoscopy after hearing about the tragic death of your friend Lynne of colon cancer. I have been ignoring some occasional bleeding after the birth of my third child. Although this minor bleeding was diagnosed as nothing more than the presence of hemorrhoids, I chose not to take it for granted and got tested. The test is a bit humiliating but having a clean bill of health is well worth the peace of mind. I would recommend anyone with related symptoms take the time to get tested to prevent any symptoms for potentially developing and becoming much more harmful. The only good that can come from losing someone as special as Lynne is having others educate themselves and remember how we must constantly pay attention to our health so we can share our lives with the loved ones around us. God Bless.



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