Silent Symptoms of Colon Cancer
Below are the Symptoms of Colon Cancer. These can be masked. Know your body.
- unexplained change in bowel habits
- chronic diarrhea or constipation
- blood in the stool
- persistent abdominal pain
- unexpected or sudden weight loss
- chronic tiredness or unexplained fatigue
Remember if you have ANY one of these symptoms talk to your doctor.
Commonly asked Questions:
Q: If I have hemmorhoids is frequent bleeding common?
A: If you have ANY bleeding let your physician know. You should ask for a colonoscopy.
Q: If I am younger than 50 with no family history of colon cancer can I get a colonoscopy?
A: Absolutely! Ask your doctor for a colonoscopy if you have ANY concerns or even 1 of the above symptoms. They will give you a referral if you insist on it.
Q: Does a colonoscopy hurt?
A: From what I have heard ( mine is scheduled for the Fall) most people don't even remember it. The worst part is the stuff they make you drink to clean you out the night before.
Q: I have no family history. There is no way I can have colon cancer, is there??
A: Lynne was the first known member of her extended family to have this disease.
Q: Isn't Breast Cancer the #1 killer of all the cancers?
A: No! Colon Cancer kills more people in the USA each year than Breast Cancer and Aids combined.
Q: Is there a cure for Colon Cancer?
A: Yes!!Early detection is KEY as it is a very treatable cancer if found in time. Colorectal Cancer develops slowly over a long period of time, usually starting out as a small grape-size growth called a polyp on the inner wall of the large intestine, colon and/or rectum. Not all polyps turn into cancer. Screening tests can be used to detect the polyps, allowing their removal during the colonoscopy before cancer ever develops. It is the only disease that THE TEST CAN BE THE CURE.
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